#10. How to Dance
I can see how this gets overlooked by educators, but as the self-proclaimed "Whitest Dancer of All Time", it would have been nice for someone to have thrown me a bone on this one. I'll never forget my High School Homecoming dance as a Sophomore. I knew I was spazzing uncontrollably around the high school gym, and had just gotten used to the embarrassment when, of all things, the damned "Macarena" started to play. I didn't know the dumb hand movements and kept jumping and rotating in the wrong direction to the laughter of everyone. In all fairness, I did show up to the event in a silk shirt and a "Bowl Cut" hairdo which I inexplicably wore through all of high school, so I already looked like an ass. Nonetheless, a little help would have been appreciated!
#9. Failure is Good, and Everyone Wants to Quit!
While ambition and hard work are great in fairy tale land, the fact of the matter is there is no better way to learn something than to jump right in there and screw it up immediately! Did you know it takes the average human adult 8 times before they can even hear a simple task that they are told how to do? We typically can't even process the information the first 7 times! Even when we do, trial and error is perfectly normal and the best way to learn. In other words, if you want to learn how to do something, go screw it up. When you fail, you learn. Simple right?
In addition to this, we really should let kids know that when you fail, it is perfectly normal to want to give up! Everyone does. It's not fun, and it's not supposed to be. The good news is the next time you try, you will know a way NOT to do it, which will make it easier, so chill out, and get back on the horse!
#8. If You Want To Know Someone's Personality, Know What Day They Were Born On
It took me 27 years to actually investigate "Star signs" as quite frankly they seemed like a bunch of mumbo-jumbo to me. I was also under the false impression that I somehow inherently "knew people" just by talking to them. I suppose as time went on, I realized that I do not understand people in almost any way shape or form, and this led me to look into the topic. I'm still not certain I buy the daily predictions on the Horoscopes Page, but if you want to know the general characteristics of a person's personality, know their star sign.
For instance, I am a Gemini, which means I essentially have multiple personalities. I'm smart and creative, but lack the ability to finish almost anything. I'm also a good communicator and can charm nearly anyone. That said, those darn personalities inevitably change and I turn into Mr. Hyde for about 30 minutes, then it switches again. It's frustrating to me too!!
I can also tell you that most people born in May are kind, stubborn, but slow. Most born in February are artistic, but in a way that leads them to look differently with piercings and tattoos, as they feel like outcasts. They are also compassionate to the point that is quite painful to them when they see any wrong in the world. Most people who become serial killers are Scorpios, born in November. The Scorpios are interesting and quite frankly somewhat bonkers. Lots of fun to be around though!
The reason why this works is simple. The human body is composed of about 72% water. As we all know, the gravity of the moon, and to some extent other planets change the tides. It works the same way with the 72% of our bodies that are made of water. If you don't believe it, look up the different personalities for different star signs online, and compare them to 10 people you know. You'll be convinced. It makes life a lot easier if you know a person's personality and natural tenancies. Star signs allow you to do that. Know them, use them.
#7. Algebra is Nearly Useless .... Here is Some Practical Math!
The one class they really need to start up for school kids is one that show you how to make a budget, and balance your checkbook! It's the only kind of practical math most adults encounter and need to know.
#6. Science vs. Religion
I've long had a saying that "if science and religion would start working together, instead of against each other, we as a species would figure out a lot in a very short period of time."
The human ego is a very powerful intangible. It infiltrates most every aspect of religion and science as humans are the beings to convey these concepts. While I respect scientists, I laugh at their inability to perceive anything that their pier group hasn't "proven to be true" as real. I understand why they feel this needs to happen, but it categorically disproves anything that their pier group doesn't understand, or would rather ignore. I also respect religions of all types, as I believe they are all true, yet misunderstood. That said, I'm nauseated by this group's ability to back war in the name of God. Isn't "Thou Shall Not Kill" on the list of 10 commandments?
The worst notion that these two groups largely share, is that they can not work together. Science must be right, or religion is right. To me, it is certainly a combination of both. Is science would ever try to prove religion right, or if religion would accept that science is trying to know more about how their created Universe worked, we would make quick advances as a species.
Must it be Creationism or Evolution? Could one be part of another?
#5. Politicians Lie
A sad fact, but it is a fact indeed. If we could teach kids that nationalism isn't as important as progressing as a society, we would help the world out. Politicians, much like lawyers, lie. They have to it seems, so don't take them too seriously.
We should also teach them about the perception of freedom, as opposed to the realities of the issue. We should teach them about all political systems, not just our own. We also should teach them to see, that regardless of what we are told, it's all a dog and pony show. Perhaps the two party political system such as the one in America is merely an act that keeps the nation divided into two parts, so they fight one another, and never see what truly goes on up top.
#4. The 80/20 Rule (Also Known As "Keep It Simple Stupid")
It has been proven that 80% of the recognition a human receives come from just 20% of their own actions. This is important to know, as it means that most of what we do, is a waste of our time. We are better off, as is the world, if we keep it simple! Focus on the things that matter, and only to the point that is matters.
#3. You Are 50% Your Mother, and 50% Your Father
Hmmm ... so that is why they constantly felt the need to advise me? You mean they've done all of this before, and I'm going to be half like my mother and half like my father? YES!!
I think we dramatically under appreciate how much of our personality, attributes and downfalls are inherited. Whether it be "nature" or "nurture", odds are if we're doing something, our parents did the same thing around the same age. Some adults realize this and have time to ask a few questions before our parents pass on, but I really wish someone would have explained this to me as a child.
#2. Perspective Is Reality
No matter how we perceive anything to be, others certainly see the exact same scenario, entirely differently. This is entirely normal as we all have different perceptions that make the situation look different to everyone.
Once this is realized, it helps us become more patient and understanding. It can also be used to our own benefit by intentionally shifting a persons perception before or after an event, that may not have gone so well.
#1. Be You!!!!
"Be yourself, everyone else is already taken"
There is nothing in this world more rare than your individuality. This should be cherished and embraced as it is truly a gift!
You are you, be you. Appreciate you. Stand up for what you believe in, and always follow your heart.